1.1 我們尊重以及全力保障閣下的私隱,並只會根據香港法例弟486章個人資料(私隱)條例去處理閣下的個人資料。
1.2 在未取得你的同意前,我們不會向第三者賣出,借出及貸出任何可以泄露閣下身份的資料。我們會選用信譽的合夥人,供應商或代理人去處理閣下的個人資料,但這只會在符合我們在處理個人資料上嚴格的指引及保障要求下進行。
1.3 閣下所提供的個人資料可能會被分享到我們集團團內的公司、銀行、代理人和需要利用閣下個人資料為閣下進行訂購運送及為閣下改善服務的第三者。
1.4 我們不會儲存閣下的信用卡資料。所有信用卡的交易是由PayPal處理。有關更多PayPal的私隱政策,請瀏覽www.paypal.com/hk。
1.5 我們將會分享閣下的資料至我們未來可能發展或與其他方合作的新業務。如果我們發展合作業務或擴展公司,我們將會更新本網頁上的資料。
1.6 閣下所提供的資料,我們都會致力小心及安全地保護。例如,採用加密技術及安全伺服器以保障閣下的個人資料安全,而閣下訂購的資料在傳輸時亦以Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)技術加密,確保閣下所輸入的資料不會在傳輸時被瀏覽。
2. 收集資料的類別
2.1 當閣下瀏覽本網址時,我們收集兩類資料:
(a) 個人資料,例如: 當閣下於登記、參加比賽、進入討論區、訂購及參與項目登入等時所提供的個人資料如姓名、聯絡詳情包括地址、電話號碼、電郵地址及輸入付款如信用卡的資料。
3. 資料的收集目的及使用
3.1 閣下同意向我們提供的所有資料可能會被運用及保留作以下及其他於雙方同意下或法例不時要求下的其他用途 : –
(a) 向閣下提供服務
(b) 有關我們向閣下提供服務的分析、核實及/或檢查閣下的信用及付款情況
(c) 處理閣下的任何付款指示、直接付款或信用服務
(e) 進行資料分類及分析以讓我們可以更瞭解閣下購物行為及特性,從而能夠向閣下提供更貼切服務,以及幫助我們去挑選閣下可能有興趣的貨品及服務
(g) 我們服務的正常管理、運作及維護的安排
(h) 為閣下提供我們、附屬公司或聯屬公司的新服務或用以改善現行的服務
(i) 投訴的調查,可疑的交易和改善服務的研究
(l) 整體行為分析
3.2 我們也會使用閣下的個人資料(包括閣下的姓名、電話號碼、地址和電郵地址和當閣下登記時所提供的其他資料)作有關以下的直接促銷用途 :
(b) 提供我們或經營公司及其附屬公司的優惠及推廣
(d) 提供個人化營銷和宣傳資料(包括會員福利和專屬優惠)
(e) 為改善我們的服務而收集的統計資料及分析及
(f) 履行任何有關上述用途
3.3 我們搜集的資料將會用作處理閣下的訂購、積分、禮品、優惠或優惠卷及協助我們以確定所有客戶都是真實顧客
3.4 為了分配積分、禮品、優惠及優惠劵,我們可能將資料交給我們的合作夥伴或參與項目運作的代理人。同時,我們將會閱覽閣下所購買的貨品,並利用從cookie 獲得有關閣下在瀏覽我們網址的資料。我們可能利用這些資料作市場調查及數據分析,從而使我們能夠向閣下所感興趣的產品及服務資料,及向閣下提供個人化的網業服務、優惠及優惠劵。除非閣下已拒絕,我們可能會透過電話,郵遞或電郵向閣下提供有關資料。
3.5 我們將以電郵、電話、郵遞向閣下提供市場訊息,及利用閣下購買喜好向閣下提供優惠劵及其他優惠。
3.6 閣下有權可以:
(a) 查核我們是否持有閣下的個人資料
(b) 查閱我們持有關於閣下的個人資料
(c) 要求我們更改任何有關閣下不準確的個人資料
(d) 查明有關我們在個人資料及個人資料類別的政策及慣例及
(e) 任何時間選擇取消接收任何我們的宣傳物品(包括直接促銷)
按照 <<個人資料(私穩)條例>> (第486章),我們有權就處理任何查閱資料的要求收取閣下合理費用。
3.7 如閣下想更改購買喜好或更改接受我們資料的決定,閣下可以電郵至我們客戶資料處理主任 customercare@sunshinevalley.com.hk 。請留意,如閣下做出這樣的決定,我們將可能無法給閣下提供特別優惠,折扣、推廣或簡訊的資料。
3.8 當然,我們將會繼續向閣下提供有關閣下戶口的資料,包括確認及送貨詳情。
3.9 我們可能透過閣下的手提電話號碼或電郵向閣下發出送貨確認或提示。
4. Cookies
4.1 當閣下輸入電郵地址及密碼以登入閣下的帳戶時,我們會送出session cookie 到閣下的電腦,這些cookies可讓閣下在同一時段同時瀏覽我們多個頁面而無須重新多次輸入密碼。當閣下離開或關閉瀏覽器後,這些session cookies 便會過期及失效。
5. 安全
5.1 我們致力及小心保護我們所持有關於閣下的個人資料。例如,採用加密技術及安全伺服器以保障閣下的個人資料安全。
5.2 我們建議閣下不要在電郵或連結提供密碼。
5.4 本網站可能提供連結至其他網站。一旦閣下使用這些網頁連結離開我們Sunshinevalley.com.hk的網站,請注意我們不可能對這些其他網站加以控制。我們不會就閣下到訪這些其他網站及提供資料及私隱作出保護及承擔責任。並且,這些其他網站不受我們的私隱政策及個人資料搜集聲明約束。閣下要謹慎處理閣下的資料,並查閱這些其他網站的隱私政策和個人資料搜集聲明。
6.1 請留意本政策可能會在任何時間於沒有通知下作出更改。我們建議閣下定時檢閱。
7 語言
7.1 此中文版本為英文被本之譯本,如中,英文兩個版本有任何抵觸或不相符之處,應以英文版本為準。
These Terms and Conditions apply for purchasing goods from www.sunshinevalley.com.hk (“this Site”) or its operating company and represent the terms and conditions for using our service. Please read them carefully before using the site.
You must be 18 years of age or over to participate in our service (including our online shopping).
These Terms and Conditions should be read in combination with the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy (including the Personal Information Collection Statement) (all collectively referred as “Terms and Privacy Policy”).
We reserve the right, at our discretion, to update and/or revise these Terms and Conditions without prior notice. Please check periodically for changes.
If you have any questions relating to these Terms and Conditions, please contact us by emails at customercare@sunshinevalley.com.hk or by calls to our Customer Services Hotline. Calls may be recorded for training and/or security purposes.
1. Use of this Site
1.1 To register with and/or purchase products from this Site or its operating company, you must be 18 years of age or over. You must ensure that the details provided by you on registration or at any time are correct and complete. You shall inform us immediately of any changes to the information that you provided when registering by updating your personal details. You must give us your real name, address, phone number, email address and any other details that we may require to process your order.
1.2 We reserve the right to, in our absolute discretion, :
(1) Decline a new customer registration or suspend a customer’s account at any time and at our sole discretion with or without notice;
(2) Terminate your access to all or part of the services with or without notice; or
(3) Discontinue this Site or our services, or any part thereof, at any time, with or without notice.
2. Availability of goods
2.1 Products are subject to availability. If for any reason beyond our reasonable control, we are unable to supply a particular item, we will not be liable to you except to ensure that you are not charged for that item. In the event that we are unable to supply the item, we will inform you of this as soon as possible. A full refund of the item will be given where you have already paid for the item.
2.2 No tobacco, beer or alcoholic beverage products will be available to person below 18 years of age. If your order includes any tobacco or alcohol product, then you warrant that you are 18 years of age or over and are legally entitled to purchase such product. You shall also ensure and warrant that no person below 18 years of age shall use your Login to purchase tobacco, beer or alcoholic beverage products.
3. Bulk purchase
3.1 To ensure availability of our products, you may be limited to a maximum number of items in each purchase. Other than the pre-approved corporate customers, products are supplied for your own use as a consumer. We reserve the right to refuse orders that we consider, at our absolute discretion, are for commercial or non-domestic purposes or subject to onward delivery by a third party. Orders for multiple units of a single product line may be fulfilled subject to availability and at our absolute discretion. Quantities of products supplied per order may also be limited if the order limits availability for other customers or creates a potential health and safety issue for our carriers.
4. Purchase for non-domestic use
4.1 We have selected our products on the basis that they will be used for domestic use only. Where you decide to use the products in the course of a business, we exclude those warranties and conditions relating to fitness for a particular non-domestic purpose.
5. Pricing, descriptions and product information
5.1 The prices which you must pay for the products that you order are set out on this Site at the time you place your order, plus delivery charge if applicable. This Site contains a large number of products and it is always possible that, despite our best efforts, some of the products listed on this Site may be priced an outdated or incorrect price. If a product’s correct price is higher than the price stated on this Site, we are under no obligation to supply the product to you at the listed price and will inform you as soon as possible to give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price or cancelling your order. If we are unable to contact you, we will treat the order of the product as cancelled.
5.2 The prices quoted on this Site apply only to products purchased via this Site. Where the same products are available in our stores, different prices may apply.
5.3 All prices are shown in Hong Kong Dollar (HK$) and include tax if applicable.
5.4 We rely on our suppliers for the accuracy and correctness of all descriptions and details of the products appearing on this Site. Although we will take all reasonable care to ensure that all information of the products appearing on this Site are correct at the time when the information was inputted onto the system, the information appearing on this Site at any time may not reflect the exact position at the moment you place an order. We shall assume no obligation or liability for any advice or information provided with the products displayed on this Site and shall not be responsible for any inaccuracy or misstatement of any such information.
5.5 Please be aware that the colours and appearance of our products may vary slightly from the way they appear on the screen and we cannot guarantee that your monitor screen will accurately reflect the colour of the product on delivery. All measurements and sizes are approximate, although we make every effort to ensure that they are as accurate as possible.
6. Placing an order and order acceptance
6.1 The Order Acknowledgement and the order number sent by us are not an order acceptance from us. Acceptance of your order and the completion of the contract between you and us will take place on dispatch to you of the products ordered unless we have notified you that we do not accept your order or you have cancelled it. Where items are dispatched separately, our acceptance of the order in respect of each item takes place when that item is dispatched. Our Customer Care Staff or delivery service provider will make reasonable effort to contact you to make delivery, but if they are unable to do so then your order will be cancelled and payment will be refunded. Where you choose to collect the items from our store, acceptance of your order will take place when the products are available for collection by you at our stores.
7. Payment
7.1 We accept payment by bank transfer and Paypal before the products ordered are delivered. We may change to or adopt other payment methods without prior notice.
8. Delivery
8.1 We deliver only to addresses in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and New Territories. We may not deliver to the Outlying Islands. Overseas delivery is currently not available.
8.2 The delivery hours shall normally be between the hours of 9:00 am and 6:00 pm Monday to Friday and of 9:00 am and 1:00 pm Saturday. No delivery services shall be available on public holidays and when typhoon signal No. 8 or the black rainstorm signal is hoisted or such other weather condition whereby delivery is considered unsafe.
8.3 No delivery shall be available to premises situated in buildings which have no legal unloading areas within 50 meters of the building. Delivery service does not include areas that cannot be reached directly by our vehicles or building without a functioning lift to the 3/F or above. Delivery service does not include remote areas which cannot be reached directly by our delivery service provider at an acceptable costs.
8.4 We offer FREE delivery to single location for purchases for over certain amount as specified in this Site from time to time. For orders under the said purchase amount, delivery charge shall apply for an amount as specified in this Site from time to time.
8.5 When an item has been delivered, risk of damage to, or loss of, the item passes to you. The ownership of the item will only pass to you after we have processed and received payment in full for the item.
8.6 By placing an order, you are authorizing us to accept signature from another person at the same address on your behalf, if you are not present at the time of delivery. We may not be able to deliver large or large quantity of items to your premises unless there is someone present to accept them. If there is no person present at your address to take delivery of the ordered products at the time slot you selected, we shall be authorized to (a) make the delivery at the door or lobby of your address without liability to any loss or damage of the products after the delivery or (b) redeliver the ordered products at another time fixed with you and a charge of the re-delivery will apply. Where you choose to collect the items from our store, you authorize us to deliver to any person in possession of the Order Acknowledgement and/or who provides suitable documentary evidence of their identity.
8.7 We will be under no liability for any delay or failure to deliver the products within estimated timescales. We exclude liability in contract or tort for any loss, economic or otherwise incurred by or suffered by you in connection with any provisions included in these Conditions or by your use of this Site.
8.8 It is your responsibility to ensure access to your premises and the space available for the product before placing your order.
8.9 It is your responsibility to tell us about any special delivery requirements or access issues when we phone you to schedule your delivery.
8.10 You must ensure that all manufacturer guidelines are complied with in the use of products.
8.11 If you are not in for a scheduled delivery time, we reserve the right to charge you for storage, re-delivery or both.
8.12 Products must be examined upon delivery for any deficiencies, damages, past the sell by date and/or discrepancies. Claims must be lodged to our Customer Care Hotline at the time of taking delivery, otherwise we shall have the discretion to refuse your claim after delivery.
9. Variation or cancellation of orders
9.1 You may vary or cancel the order without incurring costs before we have commenced processing of the order.
9.2 Subject to your consent, we may substitute a product for another similar product if the initial product ordered by you is unavailable. Otherwise, the product will be deleted from your order and the bill will be adjusted accordingly. If there is no prior consent from you for a substitution, no substitution will be made.
9.3 All discount items, free gifts and redemption items are subject to stock availability. No substitution will be made if stock is not available.
10. Return and refund
10.1 We shall use reasonable efforts to ensure that orders are correctly fulfilled. We shall deal with any discrepancies in the following manner, provided they are reported to us within three (3) days of delivery either via email at customercare@sunshinevalley.com.hk or to our Customer Care Hotline.
(a) If any product proves to have been delivered in a damaged condition, past its sell by date, omitted in the delivery or if wrong product is delivered, we shall either refund to you the price of that product or replace the product.
(b) If any product which was not included in your order is delivered to you by mistake, we reserve the right to request for the wrong product delivered to be returned to us.
(c) If you have been charged for a product which has not been delivered, we shall refund to you the price of that product as originally charged to you.
(d) if you are charged more than the price of a product, we shall refund to you the difference.
10.2 Images of products on this Site or other materials may not correspond exactly to the product description. You shall not be entitled to return a product on the basis that it does not correspond exactly to its online or printed image.
10.3 Delivery charge is not refundable.
10.4 You must not use a product that is damaged or different to that ordered. Failure to comply with this will deem that you have accepted the product and you will be unable to return it on the basis that they are damaged or different to that ordered. Food and beverage products will be deemed as used if unwrapped and can only be returned if faulty.
10.5 Our liability to any product delivered is limited to refund or replacement specified above. All other remedies are excluded.
10.6 Refunds will be, at our option, credited to the debit or credit card on which the original purchase was made or made by posting you a cheque at your mailing address in our record.
10.7 In case of dispute, we reserve the right of final decision.
11. Vouchers or Coupons
11.1 From time to time, we may provide you with vouchers (including e-vouchers and any other kind of coupons, collectively “Vouchers”), which may be redeemed by you against a first or subsequent order. Each Voucher can be used only once, in accordance with these Terms and Condition and the instructions detailed on the Voucher. Those instructions form part of the Terms and Conditions.
11.2 Vouchers cannot be used after the expiry date – see Voucher for expiry date. Vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash, used for cash back or purchases of baby milk products, spirits and liqueurs or charity products. Vouchers are non-transferable and can only be used with our online grocery service under this Site and cannot be used in our stores nor purchase through telephone hotline.
11.3 Vouchers entitle you to either money off a particular product and/or in some cases a free product. The Voucher will state the Voucher code and the Voucher expiry date. The Voucher may also state which product or products it applies to and the saving you may make. Products are subject to availability while stocks last. If a product for which you have a Voucher is not available and we deliver a substitute at your consent, the Voucher will automatically be applied to the substitute.
11.4 All Vouchers are subject to these Terms and Conditions and any other specific conditions notified on the Voucher or at the time of issue.
11.5 Unless otherwise stated, each Voucher code may be used once only per customer or per household address. Unless otherwise stated, a Voucher may be used only by the named recipient. It may only be used as stated on the Voucher and not in conjunction with any other offer or Voucher. Vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash, gift vouchers, delivery charges or for a whole order. We reserve the right to refuse a Voucher on transactions that we consider are excessive and/or are for commercial or non-domestic purposes or subject onward sale or delivery by a third party.
11.6 From time to time, we may offer first time customer Vouchers. Only one first time customer Voucher may be used per customer or per household address. Minimum qualifying spend limits and exclusions may apply. A first time Voucher may not be used if you or your household address has already used a first time customer Voucher.
11.7 Your use of a Voucher indicates your agreement to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
11.8 We reserve the right to withdraw or terminate any Voucher at any time. We reserve the right to refuse to accept the use of a Voucher if fraud is suspected.
12. Free Gift
12.1 We may offer free gift program from time to time whether through online purchase or otherwise.
12.2 The free gift offer is subject to availability of the gift.
12.2 Unless otherwise stated, only one free gift per customer and per household.
12.3 Normal delivery terms and return policy apply to the free gift.
12.4 If you are requesting a refund of your purchase order, this must include the return of your ‘free gift”.
13. Discount
13.1 We may from time to time offer discount price for certain products purchased through this Site only. Unless stated otherwise, the discount is available on purchases of full price and promotional items only (offer excludes permanently reduced/sale items and concession items), and when spent in a single transaction.
13.2 The discount will be valid for a certain period of time as specified.
13.3 The discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other discount or special offer or promotion.
13.4 The discount cannot be used to purchase Vouchers.
13.5 No cash or any other alternative will be given.
13.6 The return value of the item(s) purchased using the discount shall not be over the discount price.
13.7 Any discount offer may be amended or withdrawn at any time at our sole discretion.
14. Reward Points Program
14.1 We may offer membership reward points program (“Program”) from time to `time through which qualified individuals can earn and receive Reward Points through online purchases from this Site. The Program participants may earn and receive Reward Points with the choice to redeem or store Reward Points for later use once they have successfully enrolled in the Program and have complied with the governing Program Rules. You can track, review and redeem reward points from this Site.
14.2 The Program and its benefits are offered only to our registered member customers and at our sole discretion. Only individual of 18 years of age or older are eligible to participate in the Program.
14.3 Participation in the Program is subject to the rules, regulations, policies and procedures including the Terms and Condition of Purchase and the Terms of Use (“Program Rules”) that we may, in our sole discretion, adopt from time to time. The interpretation and application of the Program Rules are at our sole discretion.
14.4 We have the absolute right to change, limit, modify, amend, or cancel the Program, Program Rules, Reward Points, reward levels, participation requirements, etc. at any time, with or without notice. This may include, among other things: Increase or decrease the number of Reward Points awarded for purchases; Limit or modify the products available for redemption of Reward Points; Modify the methods to collect Reward Points; Increase or decrease purchase requirements necessary for points to be awarded; Increase or decrease the duration of the collection and/or redemption period; or Modify the number of Reward Points associated with the purchase of eligible products.
14.5 We reserve the right to terminate your membership in the Program at any time based on violations of the Program Rules, fraud or appearance of fraud, or violation of any local law or regulation in connection with the Program privileges. If your membership in the Program is terminated, you will forfeit your reward points immediately.
14.6 You may not combine Reward Points with other members’ accounts.
14.7 All Reward Points :-
(a) are subject to availability;
(b) have no cash value and are only redeemable for offered products via the Program at the value rate determined by us;
(c) will expire on a first-earned, first-expired basis 12 months from the month in which they were earned; and
(d) are not refundable; replaceable; or transferable for cash, credit, or other reward points under any circumstances unless otherwise stated by us in writing.
15. Force Majeure
15.1 If the performance of our obligations under these Terms and Conditions is prevented by reason of force majeure, we shall be excused from such performance to the extent of such prevention. Force majeure shall include but not limited to prevention occasioned by fire, casualty, accident, act of God, natural disaster, any law, order, proclamation, regulation, demand or requirement of the Government of HKSAR or of any of its government agencies, strikes, labour dispute, shortage of labour or lack of skilled labour, shortage or unavailability of products or raw materials, delay in transit or other causes whatsoever beyond our reasonable control.
16. Prevailing Language
16.1 In the event of any discrepancy in the translation of this text, the English version shall prevail.
17. Applicable law
17.1 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of HKSAR and you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of HKSAR.
18. Company details
Operating company of Sunshine Valley | Ng Wah International Development Limited |
Address | Flat B-D, 21/F., Centre mark Ⅱ, 305-313 Queen’s Road, Central, Hong Kong |
Customer Care Hotline | +852 2899 0893 |
Customer Care Email | customercare@sunshinevalley.com.hk |
Fax | +852 2545 8468 |