Win 1 of 10 $500HKD worth of Superfood Lab products! 獲得Superfood Lab超級蔬果鹼性綠粉組合乙套! (價值$500, 名額10個)


Win 1 of 10 $500HKD worth of Superfood Lab products!

獲得Superfood Lab級蔬果鹼性綠粉組合乙套! (價值$500, 名額10個)

What is the SuperGreen pH?SuperGreen pH is a super concentrated alkalizing powder that provides naturally occurring green pigments by 24 sources of greens, flaxseed meal and alkalizing minerals to assist you to regulate your body internal pH with exact precision.  It provides the best solution to cleanse and detoxify your body. Active Ingredients  Organic Barley Grass, Organic Wheat Grass, Organic Spirulina, Organic Chlorella, Spinach, Kale, Broccoli, Asparagus, Cucumber, Artichoke, Alfalfa, Parsley, Nettle leaf, Green tea, Kelp, Lime, Apple pectin, Kiwifruit, Pineapple, Aloe Vera, Peppermint, Linseed (Flaxseed)

美國得獎產品SuperGreen pH超級蔬果鹼性綠粉,蘊含24高纖的天然綠色蔬果元素、亞麻籽粉及鹼性礦物質,加強身體排毒機能,清除體內宿便,輕鬆助您排毒美肌,以冷壓技術製成的果汁粉,營養效能更高。主要成份有機麥苗,有機小麥草,有機螺旋藻,有機綠藻,菠菜,羽衣甘藍,西蘭花,蘆筍,青瓜,朝鮮薊,苜蓿,香芹,蕁麻葉,綠茶,海帶,檸檬,蘋果果膠,奇異果,菠蘿,蘆薈,薄荷,亞麻籽等


Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 11.37.39 am  Screen Shot 2015-04-20 at 11.50.40 am


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WHAT Recipe would you make with our SuperGreen pH?(required)/ 寫出你用SuperGreen pH 超級蔬果鹼性綠粉最創意食譜

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 I would not like to receive mail from Superfood Lab/我不希望接收Superfood Lab郵件


 Terms & Conditions 條款及細則:

1. PRIZES not available for applicants under age 5 

2. The top 10 answers will be deemed winners

3. You must be a FAN of SUPERFOOD LAB FACEBOOK PAGE & SHARED our Facebook Page

4. You must enter your phone number, email address

5. You will be subscribed to our newsletter

6. The contest will end at 11:59pm EST Aug 31, 2015

7. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.  

8. The company will announce the award winners and handle matters in SUPERFOOD LAB Fan Page9.Winners are required to a designated location at a specified time and produce award notice and the relevant identity documents for identity verification, if not the award or to provide valid personal information within a specified time limit,as a waiver of the right winning.

Terms & Conditions 條款及細則:

1. 本產品只適合5歲或以上。

2. 最好10名的回答將贏得禮品

3. 參加者必須擁有有效的facebook帳戶並讚好及分享SUPERFOOD LAB專頁方可參與遊戲 

4. 您必須輸入您的電話號碼,電子郵件地址

5. 您將被訂閱我們的通訊 

6. 推廣活動至2015年8月31日11:59, 一切時間以伺服器接收為準。

7. 此優惠是沒有辦法贊助,支持或管理,或與Facebook的關聯。 

8. 本公司會於在SUPERFOOD LAB專頁公佈得獎者及辦理領獎事宜。

9. 得獎者需在指定時間到指定地點並出示領獎通知書及有關身份証明文件核對身份,若未能在指定期限內領獎或提供有效的個人資料,則視為放棄得獎權利。